“Look What’s Happening this Week in the Northwest Suburbs” Week of June 7th – June 13th, 2015

NWSOFA Chapter

University & College Outreach Team Present
A Youth Listening Event
Tuesday, June 16th 
@ the Schaumburg Library 7:00 -9:00 pm
Invitation for Young People and Everyone Who Cares About Young People :

Hey,  What Are Your Issues???
College tuition? College loans?  Penalties for not having health insurance? Marijuana laws?  Gun violence on campus?  Campus assaults on women?  Money in politics?
Students and Parents, we want to hear from you!
The University & College Outreach Team has planned a short listening and planning meeting focusing on the issues that are important to recent high school graduates and college students. We want to hear the voices of students and parents on the issues as well as share information and successes.

Parents, bring your students…. Students, bring your parents and get in on the ground floor of this exciting project. Join us as we learn about and take action on the issues.

Members of the NWSOFA Chapter are invited to attend and interact in the discussions as all issue teams will present their current activities with a specific focus on the Youth Issue Advocates…  Light refreshments will be served.

“Look What’s Happening this Week in the 
Northwest Suburbs”
Week of
June 7th – June 13th


NWSOFA June 2015,  Events and Meetings

From our Feature Lead in Article Above:

NWSOFA Chapter &

University & College Outreach Team Present:
A Youth Listening Event
 Tuesday, June 16th @ the Schaumburg Library 7:00 -9:00 pm

NWSOFA GVP Team @ May 28th Meeting
Northwest Suburbs Organizing for Action
Gun Violence Prevention (GVP)
June Meeting 
 Thursday, June 18th 
@ the Corner Bakery Cafe, 
Northpoint Shopping Center
 470 E. Rand Rd.
Arlington Heights
Discussion & Actions:
Topics to be covered at the June’s GVP Planning meeting include the following:
  • Results of June 2nd’s National Gun Violence Awareness (Wear Orange)
  • Results of the June 6th Bad Apple Rally at Chucks on the South Side
  • Planning a program for later this year focusing on the prevention of pediatric injuries involving guns.
  • Status of Gun Safety Bills in the Illinois House
  • Forming a stronger partnership with Mom’s Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Everytown for Gun Safety

May 13th Meeting -New Forma
Fiscal and Economic Issues Discussion Group
June 23rd
Monthly Meeting
Schaumburg Library (Schaumburg, IL)
130 S Roselle Rd.


Deep Dives into what makes our Economy tick and Enjoy Some Great Discussions and Difference of Opinion
Into the Facts about

the US Economic Recovery

and Illinois Proposed Budget..
Junes’ BLS Report will be presented and examine on the May economy, both jobs and GDP (US & IL). Plus we will continue our discussions of the economic recovery and policy issues that affect the recovery. The discussion was be based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics June, 2015 report on the May Jobs Report.
Key Points from May report on April Jobs from the May BLS Report:

Over three (3) million jobs added in the last 12 months

233,000 jobs added in April 2015;

Unemployment rate nationally at 5.4% in April

Down 1.3% in the last 12 month

Attend the NWSOFA Fiscal & Economic Discussions (held monthly) and be the most informed on your block or your discussion group!

Taste of Diversity .. Outdoor Event
Join NWSOFA for a “Taste of Diversity”
At the 
“Fulfilling The Promise”
 National Day of Action

Progressive Baptist Church

305 Ann Street,
Elgin, IL
Saturday, June 27th …. 12 noon till ??? 
JOIN US for Good Food, Music and Conversation at the Minority Outreach Team’s Fulfilling The Promise National Day of Action “Taste Of Diversity”. 
EVERYONE IS WELCOME, all cultures and religious affiliations.

We are excited about the cultural diversity in the Northwest Suburbs and we all may share some of the same issues. We want to hear from you. Join us and share the concerns surrounding the issues in your  communities.

There are many issues, Pay-Equity-Income Disparities, Educational – Secondary and Elementary School disparity in the NW Suburban Schools, State budget cuts in Social Services, Gun Violence, Affordable Health Care, Elderly funding for Nursing Homes, Climate Change, Immigration Reform, Women’s Issues just to name a few.

We Want To Hear From You!!!!
Bring a cultural dish and your experiences  / stories to share with the group.

NWSOFA Updates on Issue Teams & Happenings

NWSOFA Climate Change Campaign


Two (2) June Days Of Action


June 20-21st #PutSolarOnIt Day of Action
The NWSOFA Climate Change Team will be supporting a PutSolarOnit Day of Action with our Climate Change Partners.
Date, time and location: TBD
July 11th & 12th Climate Leaders Summit:
Our next Climate Leaders Summit will be in Chicago on July 11th and 12th! This Summit will build advanced skills for our great climate leaders and keep our movement strong.

Stand With Women
 Gains Momentum
Here’s How Top Female Executives End Up Getting Paid Less Than Men

A new study examines the root of the pay gap 

between men and women at the top of the corporate ladder

Even top female workers can’t catch a break when it comes to pay inequality.

A researcher at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and colleagues in academia are out with a new paper on gender differences in compensation for executives. They analyzed pay for chairs/chief executive officers, vice chairs, presidents, chief financial officers and chief operating officers, and here’s what they found:

Upcoming June Events & Issue Information From our Friends & Partners

People for a Safer Society is opposing the opening of a gun shop and range in Niles, near five schools and other community centers for children. NWSOFA is Supporting our Partners Action.. Please Attend if at all Possible.


When the Village of Niles granted the business a special use permit, People for a Safer Society filed a lawsuit in Chancery Court; The Village of Niles is fighting us, and filed a motion to dismiss.


We have an oral hearing on the motion scheduled for June 11 at the Daley Center. If you and other NWSOFA Or Chicago North or OFA GVP supporters would like to attend in support, please do!

To Go to the Facebook Page and Connect with the People for a Safer Society: Clink here!

“In the Books” June Events 

 All Across Chicago-Land Orange was the Color of the Day


Tuesday, June 2 was declared 
National Gun Violence Awareness Day
NWSOFA Gun Violence Prevention Team was pleased to support and join the Brady Campaign, The American Academy of Pediatrics, Amnesty International, Moms Demand Action, MoveOn, and a number of other organizations by asking people to wear orange this last Tuesday to promote awareness of the damage that guns are causing in America.
Orange is the color of safety clothing worn by hunters so that other hunters will not mistakenly shoot them. It is also worn by construction workers and is used to mark safety zones on road construction.

Huge Action Against Chuck’s Guns “Bad Apple” Gun Dealer Protest

Saturday June 6th @ Chuck’s Gun Shop, 14310 S Indiana Ave, Riverdale, IL

On Saturday, June 6 at 10:00 a.m., NWSOFA, Chicago-North OFA and People for a Safer Society participated with a Gun Violence Prevention coalition of 16 groups organized by The Brady Campaign.  


 Two to Three hundred protesters faced off with NRA members who stood by Chucks Gun Shop and hurled insults at the protesters in an attempt to disrupt the GVP “Bad Apple” protest.  They Failed, as the crowd of protesters swelled, marching three abreast in a 200 foot circle in front of Chucks chanting and calling out the policies of Chucks owner.  The GVP Coalition heard messages from Father Michael Pfleger, Rev. Jesse Jackson and families who’s lives have been forever changed due to gun violence .. especially guns traced back to Chucks.   Chuck’s is one of the largest suppliers of guns that are used in crimes in the Chicago area.

Brady organized the effort and the press showed up with a huge presence, including a film crew from Katy Couric, who is filming a documentary on the issue of guns.

It’s important that NWSOFA & the Chicago North GVP showed by our presence that we won’t tolerate this “Bad Apple” any longer.

Click Here to see ABC Channel 7’s Report
Click Here to see CBS Channel

a Night of 
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
“A Very Complex Opportunity for Understanding”
Kathy Carter offered her house on this last Thursday Evening so a group of the NWSOFA members could explore the issues surrounding the Presidents TPP, Tran-Pacific Partnership. We reviewed articles that were for and against the TPP and the background and future of the US competing in the International Markets.
We had a special National OFA Conference Call with several representatives of the USTR that took questions from across the country and explained in great detail what the history and concerns were that they were fixing in the TPP and why it was important to the US to have its manufactures and labor force competitive in the world marketplaces and how it would increase our jobs and the quality and pay for those jobs.
What we learned was that while a lot of positions have been taken on the TPP, that since the Agreement has not been finalized there are more emotions than facts swirling around the Presidents plan to make the US manufactured goods more competitive in the world, and that while many consider it another NAFTA, it is designed to replace it and solve the problems that were inherent in NAFTA.
Everyone agreed we needed more discussions as this TPA / TPP evolves and that NWSOFA will stand ready to have all sides explored.

QuickView-A49F6DCE9425D079601D1793F2D88B8A In January 2013 we started as a gathering of friends and neighbors from the NW Suburbs who wanted to continue to have impact on the progressive issues we voted for in 2012.This grassroots, bottom up movement spread across the country and sparked the creation of Organizing for Action, OFA National which now has  Chapters all over the country. This is a non-partisan, volunteer organization that focuses on progressive issues we are committed to taking Action on to make a difference locally, statewide and nationally.
NWSOFA’s 1st Issue Team was  right after the tragedy at Sandy Hook. The Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) team felt we needed accurate information and facts, events to teach others and actions we could take to make a difference on pushing for common sense gun violence prevention. That has been our basic format as new issues arose and team developed. We now have the GVP, ACA/Obamacare, Climate Change,Fiscal Issues and Stand with Women Issue Teams.Check out their individual pages to see all the events they have scheduled and to join the teams you want to make a difference with. Other teams are developing such as for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
OFA National coordinates “Days of Action” that Chapters across the country will all do on the same day. Each team also has local events and may work with affiliate organizations i.e. Sierra Club, Al Gore Reality Project, etc. to combine like-minded groups on a local, state or national event.
In this type of organization there are numerous ways you can be involved with the teams and in other roles.We were looking for ways to get our events out and now have  a Twitter Master, Kathy,and Press Lead, Kym.
Two new initiatives were introduced in January 2015 from OFA. The first one is to get more young people involved in progressives issues. We prioritized working with colleges to  reach out to them. One of the major benefits of joining us is learning to be a community organizer. These skills can be beneficial for a lifetime. The second initiative is working with under served populations that traditionally have not a voice on issues that are crucial for them. If either of these sound like something you would be interested in helping to develop, please let us know.
Maybe you have a special skill we haven’t even thought about give us a call we’re always open to new ideas and teams.
Thanks for stopping and hope you’ll stay and join us.

Notice: This is a public meeting / event(s) 
 NWSOFA is a 501(c)4,  non-partisan organization. 
All opinions are solely those of NWSOFA
In This Issue

 About NWSOFA 
NWSOFA is a whole, diverse wonderful family of people who want to do more than talk about the social issues. We explore and dig deep on the facts and decide what actions we can take that can have an impact locally and nationally. NWSOFA members not only “talk the talk”, but we “walk the walk”.


All our teams have numerous events that will enlighten and inspire you and yes, challenge you to make the effort to make a difference.

We invite you to join us!

Follow NWSOFA on Social Media 
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June Events .. NWSOFA in Photos

Brady “Bad Apple” Chucks Gunshop Protest 6/6 in Riverdale, IL

NWSOFA CampOFA Meeting
6/4 @ AHML

NWSOFA Gun Violence Prevention Team Meeting May 28th

Fight for Progress in Style:

Click the Above Image to go to the Store

Do you have a few dollars to spare to support our Progressive movement @NWSOFA Supplies, Newsletters, Databases, etc?

   Time to Get Involved
We have a training Film and Discussion on How the OFA Snowflake Model works… Coming Soon.
Just click the Sign Up button and fill out the NWSOFA Comment log. 

To leave a message or Sign up for an Issue Team .. Just click the Sign Up button and fill out the NWSOFA Comment log.
We will be in touch with you shortly.
It’s time to Act .. It Is Time To Get Involved
Over the years the American Citizens have lost their voices, believing that we can not make a difference.  We have been beat down by the constant droning noise of the conservative right. This onslaught has made us like sheep .. afraid to express our views.  Not anymore!  OFA gives us back our voices and by working together we are making change one issue at a time. Together we can and will make a difference.
Thank You to our NWSOFA Issue Leads in 2015

Just Click on the Photo to link the NWSOFA e-magazines daily & archived articles 

Contact Information
NWSOFA Co-Leaders Sara Horan & Bill Davis
Phone: 224-241-2012
email: nws.ofa@gmail.com
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