What’s happening?
Pro-gun groups and their lawyers are asking the 7th Circuit to strike down the Protect Illinois Communities Act. The bill bans not only assault rifles, but also large-capacity magazines, switches, and the deadliest forms of semi-automatic pistols.
This case is the first challenge to Illinois’ state assault weapons ban to hit the federal appellate court, and an adverse ruling would have devastating consequences for both our state and nationwide.
Decisions from federal appellate courts hold substantial authority. If the 7th Circuit strikes down this law, it could fundamentally hamper Illinois’ ability to regulate and defend against these weapons and modifiers in the future.
But it will not just harm our state. An adverse decision could provide ammunition to every pro-assault weapons group in the country, who could and would weaponize this decision against similar assault weapons bans in other states. Challenges to state assault weapons bans could become much likelier to succeed. States that do not have assault weapons bans already could think twice about trying to pass their own. And it could help the NRA and pro-gun federal politicians stymie every effort for a federal assault weapons ban.
Should pro-gun groups win this case, it would be much harder for Illinois and every other state to regulate the weapons of war and protect our communities and families from gun violence.