We also want to hear from you about what excites you and moves your local activist group into the streets in protest, action and camaraderie. We will have multiple sessions of trainings and speakers!
In the first session we are speaking about why it is important today to be a part of Indivisible here in the great state of Illinois, and our hopes for the future of our movement.
In our second session we will learn some techniques on how to build a relationship with, and how to work with our Democrat Members of Congress, while also learning tactics on how to push back against our Republican Members of Congress.
In our third session we are presenting how you approach building a successful event in your area. We will hear from both urban and rural leaders on their experience in successful recruiting, advertisement, protest, and goal setting techniques. We will also be joined by a director from Indivisible National who will be speaking about how groups can join together with the National organization during key weeks of action!