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NWSOFA Gun Violence Prevention Team Meeting
November 18, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
RSVP: https://act.indivisible.org/event/attend-local-actions/164637/?source=taf
Help Keep Guns Out of Our Schools – One Minute Activist Action
When: | Thursday, November 18, 7:00 PM |
We hope you will join us on Thursday, November 18th to talk about what each of us can do to make a difference on gun violence related issues.
This November we are asking everyone in Illinois to contact their local school members to express their support of keeping guns out of schools. According to one of our GVP volunteers, J.S., here is the reason why we are asking this:
“Illinois school boards will be meeting within the next couple of weeks.. The recommendations from the IASB Resolutions Committee are very bad for gun prevention and safety. Our boards are likely to vote with those recommendations on November 20 unless they hear from us!”
“CALL FOR ACTION FOR GUN SAFETY AND KIDS. Please email your school boards to ask them to vote for gun safety at the November Illinois Association of School Boards Convention. And please consider any and all school board meetings as a sign of support for school board members.
Subject: Protect Kids; Vote NO on IASB Resolution 2; Vote YES on IASB Resolution 15
Please vote for safety! Please vote NO on IASB Resolution 2 to arm ANY teachers and ANY staff and to vote YES on Resolution 15 to advocate for Safe Gun Storage in homes with kids under 18 years old.”
***Resources and Three Northwest Suburbs School Board Contact Info****
IASB Resolutions report:
D15: https://www.ccsd15.net/Page/1027
D211: https://adc.d211.org/domain/44
Thanks so much for your help and can’t wait to see you at our meeting on 11/19/21!
NWSOFA/Indivisible GVP Team
Link to event information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82859573341?pwd=bE14dFE2azJpSy8wYUZOV2RGNkpPdz09