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Let’s Take a Look at the Law and Make it Better! NWSOFA Indivisible GVP Meeting
April 15, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
RSVP: https://act.indivisible.org/event/attend-local-actions/162531/?source=taf
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NWSOFA/Indivisible Gun Violence Prevention Issues Team Planning Meeting
When: | Thursday, April 15, 7:00 PM |
Please join us! We know that by uniting and working together we can make a difference. In the June 2020 Indivisible post, I included this quote from Charlie Beck, the author of the April 15, 2020, Tribune article, who said, “Unite to end gun violence as you have united to slow the coronovirus.” If we do, we can end “gun violence in the same way…..flatten the curve.”
Yet tragically today, over a year later, the curve no longer shows signs of flattening anytime soon and recently began to creep upward again in some states. And gun violence in Chicago has been increasing, too.
For those of us who agree with the experts who see both Covid-19 and gun violence as public health issues, we also agree with those who see the impact of the pandemic and gun violence on communities of color as part of underlying issues of systemic racism.
But once we take a truly holistic look at these issues – and unite and work together – we then will be able to take the necessary steps and move closer to reaching our goal of creating safer and more equitable communities for all Americans.