If you have not done so yet, please sign up HERE to volunteer in the get out the vote (GOTV) efforts via #Turnout2020!
Our goal is to reduce gun deaths by 50% in 10 years.
Since the Sandy Hook tragedy, we have worked to change the conversation, change the culture and change the laws to #EndGunViolence in America. For the last seven+ years, we have been tirelessly advocating for a set of strong comprehensive policies to end all forms of gun violence and over 100 federal gun control laws have been written and introduced in the 116th Congress.
In 2018, we elected a gun safety majority in the House of Representatives and one year ago, the House passed two background check bills on a bipartisan basis. However, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump and their NRA allies in the Senate have blocked these bills that are supported by over 90% of Americans. It’s crystal clear. We will not be able to pass crucial life-saving gun control legislation unless we elect a gun safety President, maintain a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and win a majority in the U.S. Senate on November 3rd.
We are proud to partner with #Turnout2020 to elect a gun safety majority. We must GOTV in key swing states for gun safety and other issues that impact our lives. #Turnout2020, funded by the Progressive Turnout Project, is a phone program to drive voter turnout in key Senate and Presidential battleground states. Volunteers — particularly those who don’t live near swing states — will be able to make phone calls to voters identified as likely to benefit from a social nudge by a fellow voter.
We are helping to recruit volunteers for #Turnout2020.
#Turnout2020’s phone banks will consist of individual volunteers making GOTV from the comfort of their homes or with virtual groups to make calls together. Callers will be speaking with infrequent voters in the states we need to win, including Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Florida, and North Carolina. Callers will be directed to the races, states and voters that are most important.
We don’t need millions of dollars to get out the vote. We need you! Please sign up today to make phone calls. Thank you so much for your support!
-Newtown Action Alliance