Schaumburg Library 130 S Roselle Rd., Schaumburg, IL 60193
Tired of sitting in your Easy chair arguing with the TV ..
Attend the most complete US and IL Jobs Meeting in the Suburbs
as we Dive Deep into the numbers using the Bureau of Labor Statistics Latest December Report on November Jobs Report.
Come get the facts about the economic recovery nationally and the status of ongoing appropriations challenges at both the state and national level.
We have added about 3.0 million jobs in the last 12 months. The November jobs report will come out Friday, December 4th. In October the (U-3) unemployment rate was at 5.0%, while the U-6 rate dropped 9.8%. While down from a high of 17.1% during the downturn, this rate is still higher than the 8.4% in the fall of 2007 before the Great Recession of December 2007 to June 2009.
Illinois continues to operate without appropriations with much spending happening because of court orders. Bring your articles and other topics. Come join us for some exciting discussions.
Then come join us for continued discussions at Lou Malnati’s after 9:30 pm
Deep Dives into the BLS Jobs reports, the US Budget and Illinois Jobs and stalled Budget..
Click on Image above to link to the NWSOFA emagazine US Economy
Click Image to larger View
“Look What’s Happening this Week in the Northwest Suburbs”
Week of December 8th – December 14th
“Upcoming December Events”
Please Join Us for the December 9th Gun Violence Vigil
Click the above Image to View the Brochure
December 14th, 2015 is the third anniversary of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Over the past three years, other terrible incidents have repeatedly and tragically been in the news, but gun violence isn’t limited to a few high-profile events. Every year, 30,000 people are killed by a gun in this country. Congress has failed to act, but we are making progress on this issue. Vast majorities of Americans support common-sense gun safety legislation, and we have passed important measures at the state level. But we must do more to show our dedication to this issue, and to ensure that it is no longer ignored.
Our partners at the Newtown Foundation are hosting vigils across the country in the days leading up the anniversary — to show our solidarity with the victims and families who have been affected by gun violence, and recommit ourselves to working to end gun violence in America.
NWSOFA Gun Violence Prevention Team Action Event – 2015 National Vigil to #EndGunViolence in Partnership with Newtown Foundation, Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown Survivor Engagement Network
Northwest Suburbs Organizing for Action is partnering with a local, non-denominational, religious community, to stage an interfaith, candlelight vigil to #EndGunViolence in commemoration of the third anniversary of the Sandy Hook School tragedy, as well as the 90,000 American victims of gun violence who have been killed since December 2012.
The vigil will be part of a nationwide tribute also in partnership with the Newtown Foundation, Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown Survivor Engagement Network. This event will take place from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, Wednesday, December 9, 2015, at the Living Faith Cathedral Worship Center Church located at 2367 North Quentin Road, Palatine, IL.
Please join us and help shine a light on the dark shadow of gun violence in America. Your presence at the vigil on December 9th will help give a voice to the tens of thousands of victims and survivors of gun violence and allow you to play a vital part to help #EndGunViolence in across our nation. Light refreshments will be served following the vigil.
Who: Northwest Suburbs Organizing for Action (a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization with a focus on progressive political change) in partnership with Living Faith Cathedral Worship Center Church, Newtown Foundation, Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown Survivor Engagement Network
What: an interfaith, candlelight vigil to #EndGunViolence
Where: Living Faith Cathedral Worship Center Church, 2367 North Quentin Road, Palatine, IL
When: Wednesday, December 9, 2015, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm with light refreshments following the vigil
Why: To remember the 30,000 victims of gun violence in America who lose their lives each year (90,000 since Sandy Hook), to give each of them a voice and to stand with the survivors to demonstrate our dedication and commitment to help #EndGunViolence across our nation. We are holding this vigil to also reinforce the fact that gun violence affects all people regardless of age, income, location, religion and race.
To RSVP to Newtown Candelight Rally.. Click here!
Two (2) Holiday Parties for you Jolly Good-Fellows
Come to one, the other or better yet .. BOTH
Party #1
December 10th
OFA HQ Holiday Party .. Downtown Chicago
OFA HQ’s Offices
Click on the above flyer to RSVP
We will ride the rails
then cab it the
OFA HQ Offices
@ 1130 W. Monroe St.
First Floor
Once you sign up we will send you information on what trains to catch a where we will meet up and on which trains.
So our volunteers on the ground reach targeted communities where health insurance education and ACA education are low.
General Information on the ACA OPEN ENROLLMENT
NWSOFA’s goals for the 3rd ACA enrollment period. This ACA enrollment period will be November 1, 2015 — January 31, 2016, with 3 important deadlines:
December 15th: deadline for coverage to begin January 1, 2016
January 1st: deadline for coverage to begin February 1, 2016
January 31st: deadline for coverage to begin March 1, 2016
OFA will have three key roles during this enrollment period:
Gather stories touting the success and benefits of the ACA
Collaborate with national and local partners in the health care service and enrollment space.*
Utilizing chapters and volunteers on the ground to reach target communities where health insurance education and ACA education are low.
*Note: Neither OFA nor volunteers on behalf of OFA should be participating in the actual enrollment of people. This is the same as in the previous enrollment periods.
To see the full Brochure from OFA COI and NWSOFA Click on the Image Abov
The NWSOFA’s Stand With Women (SQWW) Issue team hosted a free screening of the Empowerment Project, and hosting a panel of local, successful women to engage and inspire women and men alike to feel like their gender does not limit their options and potential success.
NWSOFA ‘s Chapter was selected to be
one of five Chapters (of 250) nationwide to show
The “Empowerment Project Screening”.
Critical to See… Important to Know ..
Approx 50 Women and several Men joined the Screening
“NWSOFA & OFA stands with women-from expanding women’s leadership and economic security to protecting health care choices.”
Get Covered Enroll is getting their Call Teams back together every … Every Monday for this short enrollment period from now thru January!
Every Monday night at Panera and Arlington Heights on Rand Road! The Get Covered Enroll Team will be making calls from our cell phones, recording information on the computer, call sheets will be available.
Training starts at 4..calls follow till around 7,or so!
Please RSVP to Chris Ross, cjr60089@gmail, 847-668-4922 or Michael King directly 312 288 5279
Per Chris and Michael…. Hope to see or hear from you one way if you can help this enrollment period!
In January 2013 we started as a gathering of friends and neighbors from the NW Suburbs who wanted to continue to have impact on the progressive issues we voted for in 2012.This grassroots, bottom up movement spread across the country and sparked the creation of Organizing for Action, OFA National which now has Chapters all over the country. This is a non-partisan, volunteer organization that focuses on progressive issues we are committed to taking Action on to make a difference locally, statewide and nationally.
NWSOFA’s 1st Issue Team was right after the tragedy at Sandy Hook. The Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) team felt we needed accurate information and facts, events to teach others and actions we could take to make a difference on pushing for common sense gun violence prevention. That has been our basic format as new issues arose and team developed. We now have the GVP, ACA/Obamacare, Climate Change,Fiscal Issues and Stand with Women Issue Teams.Check out their individual pages to see all the events they have scheduled and to join the teams you want to make a difference with. Other teams are developing such as for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
OFA National coordinates “Days of Action” that Chapters across the country will all do on the same day. Each team also has local events and may work with affiliate organizations i.e. Sierra Club, Al Gore Reality Project, etc. to combine like-minded groups on a local, state or national event.
In this type of organization there are numerous ways you can be involved with the teams and in other roles.
Thanks for stopping and hope you’ll stay and join us.
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NWSOFA “December Events” In Pictures
NWSOFA SWW. Stand With Women Empowerment Project Screening December 4rd, 2015
NWSOFA “November Events” In Pictures
NWSOFA Climate Change Rally in Support of the Paris Climate March November 29th, 2015
NWSOFA GVP (Gun Violence Prevention) Focused on Il Gun Dealers State Licensing on Thursday 11/ 19
It’s time to Act .. It Is Time To Get Involved
Over the years the American Citizens have lost their voices, believing that we can not make a difference. We have been beat down by the constant droning noise of the conservative right. This onslaught has made us like sheep .. afraid to express our views. Not anymore! OFA gives us back our voices and by working together we are making change one issue at a time. Together we can and will make a difference.
Just Click on the Photo to link the NWSOFA e-magazines daily & archived articles