Meeting & Events this week for

Liberals and Progressives

NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week

Week of July 14th – July 21st, 2024 (times vary by event)


Meeting & Events this week for

Liberals and Progressives

NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week

Week of July 14th – July 21st, 2024 (times vary by event)

Let us know that you will be attending – RSVP by Clicking Here!

Tuesday, July 16th @7 pm central zoom

”Jobs Up, inflation down, Us Economy Strongest in the World

“Insightful Economic Update & Discussion”

US Economy continues on it’s “Strong but not to Strong” Economic trend… Stock Market Agrees .. Hitting Records..

the Biden administration has

– 42 straight months” of continued positive / record jobs growth .. with

– wage gains of 4.1% exceeding the 3.3% 12 month inflation increase. Think of the impact of nearly 16 million new jobs all contributing to SS, Medicare & unemployment compensation etc and not drawing down On unemployment payments…A Huge positive impact!

Latest highlights … economic information to discuss at our July meeting:

– New jobs were +206,000 in June job growth, April and May revised down by -111,000 as reported in the July (June) BLS report

– New Unemployment rate ticks up to 4.1% reported in the June BLS report

-CPI inflation reduced in June by .1% overall average increase of 3.3% over last 12 months[..

– Average hourly earnings for all employees increases .3% in June … for last 12 months reported in the BLS = 3.9%

– The labor force participation rate was at 62.6 percent in June

We will have a soft landing without a recession. Come join us on Tuesday, July 16th to hear what we think may happen with the economy in 2024l

Let us know that you will be attending – RSVP by Clicking Here!

Thursday, July 18th @7 pm central zoom

The Shifting Balance: Supreme Court Rulings and Their Impact”,

Is the SCOTUS out of control?”

Thursday’s Restore our Democracy Presentation

ZOOM presentation by NWSOFA-Indivisible’s Restore our Democracy

The underlying point of the presentation is that p court is not just ensuring the laws are applied properly, and that they are constitutional, but the court is enacting policies they think are useful for our country, whether they are based on our constitution or not. They are undermining Congress’s role in this respect, and undermining the administration role as well.

In recent months, the Supreme Court of the United States has delivered a series of landmark rulings that have significantly reshaped the landscape of American democracy. These decisions, spanning issues from presidential immunity to gun control, reflect a shifting balance in the judicial approach and have profound implications for the nation’s democratic principles.

Presidential Immunity and Accountability

One of the most consequential rulings was the Court’s decision on presidential immunity. In a 6-3 judgment, the Court ruled that former President Donald Trump could be tried for actions taken as a candidate, but not for those taken while in office.

Federal Regulatory Authority

In another significant ruling, the Court limited the regulatory authority of federal agencies. By overturning a precedent that had guided federal regulations for decades, the Court has made it easier for regulations to be challenged in court.

Gun Control and the Second Amendment

The Supreme Court also made headlines with its decision to send several gun control cases back to lower courts for reconsideration2. This move followed a major ruling that expanded Second Amendment rights, allowing for broader interpretations of gun ownership and use.

Implications for American Democracy

These rulings collectively reflect a judicial philosophy that prioritizes individual rights and limits federal authority. Is this a reaffirmation of constitutional principles, or a shift towards a more conservative interpretation of the law? The impact on American democracy is profound, as these rulings shape the legal framework within which democratic processes operate & will undoubtedly shape the future of American democracy for years to come.

Let us know that you will be attending – RSVP by Clicking Here!

Sunday, July 21st, 7:00 PM Zoom Central


Sustaining Our Future

Environmental Policy for a Better Tomorrow:

Join us for for a panel on environmental policy for a better tomorrow.

Panel Members Include:

Sean Casten – U.S. Congressman

Cam Davis – Cook County Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Commissioner & former Obama Administration Great Lake Czar

Lester Vaughn – DuPage County Forest Preserve Candidate & Current Darien City Council Member

Let us know that you will be attending – RSVP for the Climate Sustainability Panel with Sean Casten

September 7th – Noon thru 6pm .. Lunch at 3PM

Save the Date .. NWSOFA Picnic Saturday September 7th

Bring a Dish to pass – a beverage (Pop and Water Supplied) .. and You!

Open to all Local Dems, NWSOFA- Indivisible, Indivisible Chapters, Progressive Groups, Liberals, Dems and Especially Candidates and Elected Officials

We supply the BBQ (Chicken & Pork), Pop, Water .. Please bring you own beverage, dish to pass, snack or desert

Let us know that you will be attending – RSVP by Clicking Here! for the Saturday September, 7th  NWSOFA-Indivisible Annual Picnic

Join any or all of NWSOFA’s regular hosted training and discussions!!

Anytime.. on our website

Past videos of NWSOFA events

Click below on the blue button to link to past videos of NWSOF’s Events and Meetings ..

Fiscal & Economics ,

Climate & Environmental,

Standing with Women,

Gun Violence,


Expose on Project 2025,

Teaching Civics,

Etc, etc

Click Here to link to past videos of NWSOF’s Events and Meetings ..
Click Here to RSVP for COFFEE & CONVERSATION – 9am central. Open every Monday through Friday

Every Wednesday 1 pm & 3 PM + THURSDAY 1 PM Central

“NWSOFA Social Media Training w/FT6”

Social Media training .. alternating

NWSOFA w/FT6 Wednesday & Thursday 1 PM (Join Bill while Storming SM by sharing while learning)

Click Here for the RSVP Registration for 1 PM (central) Social Media Training

Friday at Noon 12:00 – 1:00PM Z00M

“Honor With Action”

For gun violence prevention (GVP) advocates

Please join us for the “Honor With Action” Illinois Bi-Weekly Update

For gun violence prevention (GVP) advocates who recognize that the gun violence epidemic is a reflection of racial and socioeconomic inequities everywhere, especially in the criminal justice system

Click Here for the NOON ZOOM HonorWith Action IL Bi-Weekly Update
Click here to RSVP TO “Let’s talk STUFF! “ Join Friday’s “National / Local News / Happy Hour Conversation” @5pm CST

With Over 5,000 Members in the NorthWest Suburbs of Chicago

Notice: NWSOFA is a 501(c)4,  

non-partisan organization. 

All opinions are solely those of NWSOFA

Just click above on the Graphic above and donate generously

to help NWSOFA-INDIVISIBLE organize the progressive agenda that you care about!


NWSOFA’s Twin Snowflake Organization allows for our 24 all-volunteer leads to work Independantly or as a Co-Leads in our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups
NWSOFA’s 24 all-volunteers – Lead our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups – 9 Progressive Issue and Electoral Group leading our 5,000 member organization