“What’s Next” This Week Meeting & Events this week for Liberals and Progressives @ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week Week of May 14th – May 21st (times vary by event)

“What’s Next” This Week

Meeting & Events this week for

Liberals and Progressives

@ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week

Week of May 14th – May 21st (times vary by event)

Your Everyday Source:

Meetings, Events, Hero’s

Deep Dives into the Facts ..

you choose

Just click on the image on the right

to see a complete calendar of events from

NWSOFA-Indivisible —->>>>>

(Updated Daily)

Monday thru Friday

Daily @ 9 AM


Start Your Day off with great conversations.. We talk“Stuff” of the Day!.

Click Here to RSVP and get the Zoom link for Coffee and Conversation

Tuesday, May 16th

Illinois State Capitol Building, 401 S 2nd St, Springfield, IL 62701

Illinois Moms Demand Action Advocacy Day

Please join moms Demand Action for our Advocacy Day at the State Capitol! Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, and Survivors from across Illinois to flood Springfield with red shirts and show our Illinois Representatives & Senators we are committed to move the needle on gun violence. We are not letting up in our effort to get effective gun violence prevention laws in place in our state. We’ve planned meetings, a rally and several avenues to make our presence known!

For those interested in buses, if spots open up on the buses Moms Demand Action has already booked we will gladly offer you those seats. In the meantime please plan to drive yourself or carpool with others.

10:30 AM – Arrive at Capitol

11AM – Rally outside Capitol

12-1:00 PM – Lunch provided

12-3:30 PM – Lawmaker meetings with Reps & Senators (specific times TBA)

3:30 PM – Depart Springfield

Click Here to Sign up with The Il Statewide Advocacy Day Coalition

Monday, May 15th 7 PM

Fiscal and Economics May Economic Presentation

Jobs, Unemployment, GDP, Deficit, Debt, Inflation & Much More

A Conversation Supported by Facts

What’s Driving the US Economy

“Come learn about the current state of the US economy.”

The NWSOFA Fiscal and Economic Issues group will meet via Zoom Monday Night, May 15th 7 pm.

Good news in recent economic data – it looks like we are heading for a soft landing absent Republican sabotage with the debt ceiling:

– nonfarm payrolls increased by 253,000 in April, lower than in prior months but still positive

– the unemployment rate declined to 3.4% in April, the lowest rate since the 1960’s

– The twelve month CPI has declined from 9.1% last June to 4.9% in April.

– Twelve month PCE inflation was 4.2% in March

– Real GDP growth is still positive, but slowed to 1.1% in the first quarter of 2023

The big danger is the pending debt ceiling, which could crash the economy.

David and Karl will be updating the fiscal and economic data and will present it on May 15th. Come discuss the current state of the US economy.

Bottom line is that the data through April showed a slowing economy that was still strong.

David and Karl will try to explain what this all means.

Karl says, “David and I are looking forward to Monday’s virtual meeting, at 7 pm. RSVP by clicking the big Blue button Below to get the ZOOM link to the meeting”

Videos of past meetings, including the February meeting, can be found at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiw8EhKA-e2l3_gM9FVYX2g

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Karl Faulstich 773-991-6587

Click Here at 6:55 PM to join the. PM ZOOM Fiscal and Economics May Economic Presentation 7 pm May 15 ..

Tuesday, Zoom May 16th Meeting @ 7pm

Stand With Women

How Are Our Kids Doing? From Surviving To Thriving – How Can We Help?

Tuesday, Zoom May 16th Meeting @ 7pm

Stand With Women

How Are Our Kids Doing? From Surviving To Thriving –

How Can We Help?

Happy Spring to Everyone- Hoping you have enjoyed these first days of real Spring weather – we are definitely heading in the right direction. The last weeks of school are upon us, and summer days of vacation are just around the corner. Over these past couple years as Covid has subsided and life is getting back to normal- I hear from so many parents that it is a new normal with their children. Daily life is different and more difficult to navigate.

Parents and teachers have shared that the children – post pandemic are having difficulty expressing themselves – being comfortable with the give and take of communication. Teachers say that the children are not always addressing adults with respect – like they forgot how – or were too little to learn before March, 2020. So this May SWW 5/16th 7PM ZOOM meeting is going to be an informal panel we will all share on:

“2023- How Are Our Kids Doing? From Surviving To Thriving – How Can We Help?”

Communication, Social Engagement, Family Time, Volunteer Opportunities,

Places To Go, Childhood Fun Without Electronics and Social Media

Bring your Concerns, your Ideas, your Successes, your Summer Plans. –

Let’s “Share Our Care” for our precious children

Kathy Niekrasz- SWW Co-Lead 847-909-6813

Michelle Wilson- SWW Co-Lead

Click Here to RSVP to May 16th 7 pm Stand With Women (SWW) Panel Discussion

Every Wednesday at 1 PM Central

“Basic Instagram & Twitter Skills for Social StormingTraining”

Join NWSOFA-Indivisible as we learn from the Best .. Field Team 6

We cover basics … create timely tweets / reTweet and use lots of premade graphics from FT6

Click Here to RSVP to join NWSOFA-Indivisible Wednesday @ 1 pm Central as we learn Basic Social Media Storming

Thursday night’s May 18th @ 7PM

Stand With Women

Guns and Gun Violence in America is Out of Control!”

Thursday Night May 18th @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Please Attend Thursday night’s (5/18) ”

Guns and Gun Violence in America is Out of Control!”

A Gun Violence Prevention Discussion .. Natalie Warren and Cathy Risberg Moderators

Incidents of gun violence have been so prevalent

and appalling over the past few weeks


  • So many shootings – Texas, Nashville, Louisville, Alabama, Chicago, and on and on
  • Texas has two major GV events in a week … trying to move the age to purcahase guns from 18 to 21..
  • NRA Convention pushing guns as the answer – how can they keep getting away with this this???!!!!
  • Actions that other GVP groups are taking
  • Illinois legislation has accomplished a lot … we will be going though the bills passed and on the docket .. all addressing domestic violence issues
Click Here to RSVP to the May 18th GVP May Meeting @ 7 PM so we know you will be attending

Friday May 19th 11:30-1:00 PM

“Truth Brigade Sandwich Shoppe”

Join Truth Brigade Illinois for some Social Storming – FB / Zoom this Friday from 11:30am – 1pm

Learn how to create post Truth Sandwiches

Discuss how to fight disinformation.

Click here to RSVP for Friday’s 11:30 Truth Sandwich Shoppe

Every Friday at 5:00 – 6:00 PM

“Happy Hour” every Friday @ 5 PM

End your week off with fun,

lively convesation …

What happened this last week.

Click Here to RSVP for Friday’s 5 PM Happy Hour

With Over 5,000 Members in the NorthWest Suburbs of Chicago

Notice: NWSOFA is a 501(c)4,

non-partisan organization.

All opinions are solely those of NWSOFA

April & May Donation are matched 100%

Just click above on the red button and donate generously to help NWSOFA-INDIVISIBLE organize the progressive agenda that you care about!


NWSOFA’s Twin Snowflake Organization allows for our 24 all-volunteer leads to work Independantly or as a Co-Leads in our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups
NWSOFA’s 24 all-volunteers – Lead our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups – 9 Progressive Issue and Electoral Group leading our 5,000 member organization
NWSOFA | 4152 Terramere Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60004