Please let me know if you are interested in joining our Team effort going FORWARD to combat the Tea Party!!
We all fought so hard to get health Care passed.
NOW, as we get closer to the date for FULL IMPLEMENTATION October 1st, of The Affordable Health Care law
( or as we now affectionately refer to as “OBAMA CARE” because Obama & We DO CARE) we need a team in place, prepared to combat the Tea Partiers at Town halls & to counter false rumors of what the full implementation of the law will mean to an individual. We need to be LOUDER than the Tea Partiers at Town Halls in Aug and PROACTIVE to get the correct information BEFORE the lies begin.
The purpose of this planning session is to form a mission statement and define the goals /objectives for our Team.
1st and foremost, the key to our success will be to educate ourselves and the public on the existing law and become well versed on what the new benefits of the law will offer.
Out reach to the public may take the form of public forums at libraries etc,/ Canvass out reach /phone bank/ letters/ town halls with legislators. Therefore, we will need volunteers to a range of tasks, such as educational research for such events and help planning events, contacting other groups who will also be helping the transition to implement health care and help plan action events.
Please let me know if you will or will not be able to make the 1st meeting &/or the 2nd meeting 7/9 TBA, Or when you can join in if you are busy with other groups like Immigration etc.
Look forward to hearing from all of you, yes, no, or maybe in the future!
RSVP- Call
Christine johanson Ross