Click to see Sept Calendar Events |
Sara Horan and Bill Davis – NWSOFA Chapter Co-Leads |
Well summer is officially over. The summer fun is gone and the REAL FUN begins. Now is the time to focus on “GETTING OUT THE VOTE” for progressive candidates that can turn our government BLUE. We can do it but we have to
1. Contact your favorite progressive candidate and find out how you can help them win.
2. Click HERE to sign up with NWSOFA Election ’18 and PHONE BANK. We will be meeting with Casten for Congress at 141 S. Northwest Highway in Barrington every Tues and Thurs in September – Select your shift now.
3. Click HERE to sign up with NWSOFA Election ’18 and CANVASS. We will be meeting with Casten for Congress every Sat and Sun in September – Select your shift now.
4. If your’e a volunteer who wants to get ready to make a difference in 2018. RSVP HERE Call in for the OFA training Team’s on Wednesday, weekly in Sept f or our Campaign Organizing Bootcamp.
5. If you don’t have time of inclination to Canvass or Call, please consider Donating money to help with a campaign or organization.
Don’t forget our regular meetings and partner events:
Put your time and energy in the events that suit you best and we’ll make this a Big BLUE WAVE!
Join the NWSOFA Team as we protect the gains we made
over the last 8 years and move our Progressive social issues forward in 2018 .
Click on image above to link to calendar |
- SEPT 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 25, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 AND 30 – NWSOFA Election ’18 Barrington Canvass OR Call. Hosted by Casten for Congress (times vary)
- SEPT 5, 12, 19 & 26 NWSOFA and OFA Campaign Organizing Bootcamp Training Call
- SEPT 8 People’s Climate March 8AM-5PM
- SEPT 11 Go Green Illinois 1-3PM
- SEPT 13 Fiscal and Economic Issues Sept Meeting with John Perryman MD 7-9 PM
- SEPT 20 NWSOFA GVP Meeting 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
- SEPT 22 Green Team Summit 10 AM – 5 PM
- SEPT 22 PPPT 2nd Annual Organizer Fair 2 – 5 PM
Canvass Hosted by Casten for Congress
The Congress we elect in November will directly effect YOU.
Let’s elect a representative who will push for a progressive economy, a comprehensive health care system, a safe environmental policy and gun violence prevention.
Sean Casten is committed to the progressive voters of IL-06.
You can stand up for our communities this November by electing Sean, but we have to start NOW.
141 South Northwest Highway
Barrington, IL
Thank You!!
Kathy Feingold
NWSOFA team’18 Leader
On September 8th, after months of organizing and movement-building, the Peoples Climate Movement will bring tens of thousands of people across the country into the streets, town halls, and community forums. Joined by partners around the world, we will demand bold action on climate, jobs, and justice. Those demands will determine the future of our movement – and our world – for years to come..
Go Green Illinois September Meeting
Chicago Botanic Gardens
The topic of our next meeting is Effective Environmental Legislation. We will focus on understanding the power of community voices to implement legislation. We will learn how individuals and groups can impact legislation and environmental policies at the state level. The speakers will give a general overview about how legislation is worked in the general assembly, how we can influence policy issues at the state level, and current priorities for state legislation. In addition to questions and answers, there will be time to discuss your ideas for future legislation.
Guest speakers will include State Representative Robyn Gabel, Jen Walling from the Illinois Environmental Council, Jack Darin from the Sierra Club, and Toba Pearlman from Natural Resources Defense Council.
Feel free to join us at 11:45 in the cafe for an informal discussion over lunch. No advance registration is necessary for the lunch, but please arrive a few minutes early to purchase lunch at the cafe before joining us at the table.
Please email Beth if you plan to attend.
Drive Electric Week Events:
Electric car expos are scheduled for September 15 in Highland Park and September 16 in Evanston. Learn more about electric vehicle models available and talk with owners about their experiences.
License Plate Recycling:
Did you know that you can bring your old license plate to the Secretary of State Driver Services Facility for recycling? Something to keep in mind when you receive your new license plate. Please share this information with others in your community.
Optional Pre meeting Lunch
Fiscal and Economic Issues September Meeting
Schaumburg Library
130 S. Roselle Road
Schaumburg, IL
Hi NWSOFA Fiscal and Economic Issues team,
Come join us to learn the facts about fiscal and economic issues. These facts will inform your discussions with friends and your vote in November.
Can you come? Click here to RSVP:
Please check the meeting announcements posted by the elevator in the library to confirm which 2nd floor meeting room we have this month.
Sara Horan and Bill Davis will update us on the limited political work NWSOFA is doing this fall.
Our special guest this month is John Perryman, M.D. from the Illinois Physicians for a National Health Program ( pnhp.org). He will be speaking on the economic issues of single payer. Given the recent headlines on the estimated costs and potential savings of Medicare for All, we are excited to have this knowledgeable guest speaker.
In addition we will have an update on the U.S. economy and budget, including:
- August employment report, due 9/7 – These monthly reports have been showing solid job growth over the past year and a half, albeit slightly lower than before Trump became president. What they haven’t been showing is real wage growth. The July job s added number was somewhat low. Was that an anomaly or the start of a downward trend? The August report will start to answer that question. There will be two more monthly reports before the November midterm elections.
- Updated estimates of the current FY 2018 (Oct 2017-Sept 2018) budget deficit and the forecast for next year – Before President Trump took office in January 2017, the CBO forecast the FY 2018 deficit at $487 billion. Deficits are up due to last year’s tax bill and increased spending. Current estimates are between $800-900 billion. The CBO will have an initial estimate of the actual deficit the 1st week of October and will formally report the number in mid-October.
- 2nd estimate of 2nd quarter real GDP growth = 4.2%. This is good growth, albeit not as high as some quarters during the Obama administration. This number will be updated one more time by the end of September, and then continue to be updated for years as more economic data b ecomes available. The initially reported numbers tend to be revised up or down significantly over the years.
- There is also a question whether this 2nd quarter growth was an anomaly caused by increased exports prior to retaliatory tariffs. The 3rd quarter preliminary number, to be released at the end of October, should start to answer that question.
Also, real median household incomes and other data for 2017 will be released on Wednesday, September 12th. I will plan to incorporate some of this in our national presentation. See Here
We will also have a brief update on the Illinois economy and budget.
After the formal meeting ends by 9:30, everyone is invited to join us at Lou Malnati’s for food, drinks, and further discussions, which can be more political than allowed by OFA.
Can you come? Click below to RSVP:
Northwest Suburban Democrats Office
1310 W. Northwest Highway
Arlington Heights, IL
Because of Newtown in 2012, and because of Parkland earlier this year, the NWSOFA GVP Issues group for the past 5 years has committed itself to become an even bolder advocate of change and action. We are determined to change the conversation surrounding gun violence in America, change the hearts of people we encounter through a spirit of volunteerism and kindness – and take action to change the laws to create safer communities for every family in America.
The GVP Issue team educates by having periodic informational meetings, collaborates with coalition non-partisan groups, such as local faith communities and Moms and Youth Demand Action and takes action by supporting the efforts of our youth and March for Our Lives and recruiting legislators to build support for legislation to license gun dealers in Illinois, strengthen background checks and by raising community awareness through hosting vigils, using social media, writing letters to the editor and handing out fliers.
If you are interested in joining us and honoring all victims of gun violence through your individual actions, then we invite you to come to our monthly Gun Violence Prevention Issues Group Planning Meeting at the Northwest Suburban Democrats office in Arlington Hts., IL., 60004.
We hold a 90 minute meeting on the 3rd Thursday of every month (with some exceptions near holidays or if we are planning a public event that month). Please join us – together we can make a difference in creating safer communities for all Americans, including our law enforcement officers. Registration is preferred since seating is sometimes limited.
to help shine a light on the dark shadow of gun violence in America
Learn how to take meaningful action on environmental issues at the local level at your house of worship thorough workshops, speakers, and more. Connect with resources like curricula and environmental experts and meet other Green Teams from across the state.
For more information, please contact DAN.
NWSOFA will be participating in:
The PPPA Presents 2nd Annual Organizer Fair!
Willye B. Park
1610 Howard St.
Chicago, IL
New Members, New Knowledge, New Life, New Avenues to Support Great Causes!
People Power Political Activists
Confirmed Speakers for the PPPA Presents 2nd Annual Organizer Fair Opening Speaker, Founder of PPPA and MC Veronica Khachatryan Ben Head-Political Director for Representative Jan Schakowsky Sean Tenner-President of KNI Communication and 47 Committeemen Legendary Carol Ronen-9CD Committeewoman Maggie O’Keefe-Organizer and candidate for the 40th Ward Alderman Andre Vazquez-Founder and Organizer of Reclaim Chicago and candidate for the 40th Ward Alderman Ross Outten-Director of Development for the Friendship Center-topic food insecurity Jims Porter-Communications and Policy Coordinator Refugee One Tom Tresser-Civic Lab-author of Chicago isn’t broke Keynote Speaker: Representative Jan Schakowsky 9CD (Tentative)
(no contact info provided)
Notice: These are public meeting(s) / event(s)
NWSOFA is a 501(c)4, non-partisan organization.
All opinions are solely those of NWSOFA
Click for Larger Image
“Hope is not blind optimism. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it.” President Barack Obama
Thank You to our NWSOFA Issue Leads in 2015
Click on the above Image to see each lead and the issues they work on .._ |
All Volunteer
Contact Information
NWSOFA Co-Leaders Sara Horan & Bill Davis
Phone: 224-241-2012
email: nws.ofa@gmail.com